7 Tips When Using Point Blank Auction.
I decided to add this little tip page to help you understand and work inside Point Blank Auction. So, here are the tips that will/should help you succeed when using this site:
- Understand the value of what you are selling and know where to set your starting price. This requires some research and as for setting your starting bid price, you are looking at the minimum you are willing to sell that product.
- Know who your bidders are! What we mean by this is that you should understand your market and the people that regularly shop that market. If that market offers goods that are hard to find (rare), most are willing to pay over the regular selling price for. If the market is flooded with that product, the buyer will be looking for the best deal published.
- Place you product in the right category. The categories you see on this web site are not all that is available. Unless there is a product listed in the category, it will not be visible (otherwise, the category will appear when you use it). Some of the categories that are not showing are: Fashion, Computers, Video, Furniture, Clothing, etc.
Now, back to the point. To help a shopper find what you are selling, it should be place in a category related to it. This will help when a customer knows what they are looking for and just want to jump right into that search. - Pictures, Pictures, Pictures. Customers like to see what they are buying. Even if you don’t have a picture right now, use a stock pic. If you are using a stock pic then you need to …
- State and accurate condition of your product. If you are not sure, do your research and figure out how that product is graded (nomenclature for product condition). If you still don’t get it …, then do your best and let the customer know the truth (you are not a pro and don’t know how to grade the product). Describe as best you can and remember #4.
- Shipping. Figure out how much you product weigh and get information on the shipping cost (doesn’t matter if you or the customer is picking up the shipping). Your shipping can make or break the sale. If you are looking for a profit and the shipping is high, you could be giving the product to the customer (freebee).
- Lastly, enjoy your time on Point Blank Auction. This site was set up to make thing simple and easy, without the headache of surprise payments like the other guys. Let’s make auctions fun again. Enjoy!